The first show is titled, "Zindagi Shaan Se" and is already live on leading audio streaming websites globally. It's a Hindi language based program where I will be talking about various aspects of life through segments be it Health, Science, Technology or Politics. The first segment titled, "Kahey Ankahey Kisse"  however is solely dedicated to stories from all around the world , of which some got heard and some are yet to find a listener. Recently, I have released another segment that is titled, "Pukarti Nazmein" which is dedicated to poetries, songs and words. Refer below to tune in to "Zindagi Shaan Se" on your favorite streaming site.


Zindagi Shaan Se

Introducing “Zindagi Shaan Se” – Your Gateway to the Magic of Tales of Life! Embark on a captivating journey with our podcast that brings you the richness of language, culture, and narratives.

All Episodes

The second show will be an English language based program and is in the making. More details to follow. Please check this space soon for more.

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